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Baptism brings us into the community of faith

Belonging to Christ means belonging to his Body, the Church

The whole community of faith has a role to play in nurturing the newly baptized

Baptism: Grace and Mission

Mission of the baptized is to continue the work of Christ as Priest, Prophet, and King

Laity are to bring the Gospel to the ordinary places of life and secular culture

We are empowered and commissioned through Baptism, strengthened in Confirmation, sustained by the sacraments


Christ is our eternal high priest; he offered himself as the perfect sacrifice to the Father

Through Baptism we share in the priesthood of all the believers

We are called to offer ourselves daily as a spiritual sacrifice to God

We also offer our worship to God through the Mass and Sacraments and through daily prayer

Parents are responsible for the spiritual growth of their children—to help them share in the Priestly mission of Jesus


Reading Scripture

Priority of faith in the family and household


A prophet reveals God’s Word and plan for salvation; Jesus is the full revelation of God

All the baptized are called to evangelize and teach

The power of the Gospel should shine out in family life

Parents are the first proclaimers of the Gospel to their children


We are meant to reign with Jesus over the power of sin in our lives

The kingly mission of the baptized is a universal call to holiness

Christians are meant to govern themselves and reign with Christ over sin in their lives through ongoing conversion

Christians are also to exercise their kingly mission by following the example of Jesus as the servant-King who came to serve others

Parents model a life of holiness and service to their children


Being a godparent is a commitment to active participation in the spiritual growth of the baptized


16 years old or older

A Catholic who has been confirmed and received the Eucharist

Lives a life of faith, in good standing with the Catholic Church

Intends to fulfill the duties of a godparent


Support the parents

Represent the Church in the life of the child

Nurture the child in the faith

The entire Church community is responsible for being part of and nurturing the spiritual life of the newly baptized