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Thank you for submitting your answers to the Reborn: Entering the Mystery: The Rite Explained Video.
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Baptism is a necessary part of salvation
New life came by way of water in both creation and the Exodus
Jesus included Baptism in his last instructions to his disciples
Just as parents take care of their child’s physical well-being without the child’s consent, Baptism is an important piece of the child’s spiritual well-being, even if the baby can’t choose it or consent to it.
Baptism cleanses us from the guilt of original sin and frees us from slavery to the power of darkness
Infant Baptism follows the precedent of the Jewish tradition of infant circumcision
Baptism brings us into the family of God
Rite of Baptism
Introductory Rites
Sign of the Cross—victory of Christ
Reception of the child
Liturgy of the Word—evokes a response of faith
Readings and Homily
Invocation of the Saints—the child is welcomed into the whole Church, across time and cultures
Renouncing of Satan/exorcism
Anointing with oil of catechumens—cleansing
Celebration of the Sacrament
Blessing of the Baptismal Water
Renunciation of Sin and Profession of faith—the parents and godparents renew their vows and take on the responsibility of raising the child in the faith
Baptism—pouring of water in the name of the
Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Explanatory Rites
Anointing with chrism of salvation— consecration/dedication and gift of the Holy Spirit; sealed=indelibly marked for God
Clothing with the White Garment—symbolizes pure and unstained souls after Baptism
Lighted Candle—the baptized is now a child of the light
Prayer over ears and mouth, to receive God’s word and proclaim his praise
Conclusion of the Rite
Our Father—shows the newly baptized are now children of God
Blessings for the mother and the father